Fast Fashion is Killing the Planet

It used to be there were four seasons in Fashion, spring, summer, autumn and winter. These days’ fast fashion chains like H&M and Zara push out clothing for 52 seasons year, that’s a staggering one season per week. The fashion industry has gotten faster, and this has led to the era of disposable fashion. Teenagers no longer expect their cloths to last, ‘cheap chic’ is their motto, buy a skirt for a tenner, if it falls apart on it’s first spin cycle, never mind, there’s another tempting item clothing being pushed by the mega brands.

It’s the unadvertised side of fast fashion that needs highlighting. I know I’m not alone when I say I have no idea where my clothes come from, who makes them, if these people have a decent life. Is my new Top Shop jacket made by an underage child? The trouble is for most of us  when we’re looking for that fashion fix all thoughts of ethical purchasing tend to go straight out the window. Our thoughts turn to what a bargin these garments are, surly at that prie I should get one in every colour. This is when we need to STOP, put the brakes on and think about the exploitation, pollution, and the fact that you can only wear one pair of skinny jeans at a time.

Change starts with the consumer and their wallets, if companies see that there is a demand for more ethically produced garments they will respond to that. I hope ’ll never look at my wardrobe again and complain I have nothing to wear.